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Serving As He Served

Writer: RiversideRiverside
Jesus, speaking with James and John, reminds us in Mark 10 of His purpose in coming, "For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many." (Mk 10:45). This comes at the cusp of a plea that they were bringing forth to receive prominent sitting at His right and left hand. Jesus rightly pointed out that being His disciple is not about the measure of reward you receive but the service you render. He, the greatest, reminds us, "…whoever would be great among you must be your servant." (Mk 10:43)

If Christianity is the practice of becoming like Christ, we must remember our responsibility to serve as He did. When considering Jesus and His service, we see the greatest display of emptying oneself, casting down personal interests, and living for the glory of God.

Jesus was a servant to both God the Father and mankind. His service to the Father was apparent from His youth (Lk 2:49) and throughout His ministry (Jn 2:13-17; Jn 4:34). His service to mankind was also abundantly clear. In Mark's account, the first ten chapters contain nine different occasions Jesus served mankind. This was done by various miracles and overflowing compassion. Even among men who were going to betray Him, He served (Jn 13).

He was a servant of unprecedented caliber. He was humble - God in the flesh washing men's feet (Jn 13:12-16). He was obedient - God forsaking His nature to take on our own and suffer for us (Phil 2:6-8). He was selfless - perfect, sinless, yet bearing the world's sins so that we might become the righteousness of God (2 Cor 5:21). He was joyous - yes, even when it meant humiliation, suffering, and death. He served at His pleasure, knowing the fruit to come from His labor.

Am I aspiring to be a servant like Jesus? Am I seeking to serve God? Am I serving my fellow man? Do I serve begrudgingly or joyously? All good questions for you and I.

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